The Idaho Assistive Technology Project sent out information about the Idaho Assistive Technology Alternative Finance Program, which can help by providing low-interest loans. These loans can help individuals with disabilities and their families purchase assistive technology, increasing independence, and improve…

ICA Legislative Lunch Updates
ICA Legislative Lunch is this Wednesday at 11:30 AM. Please join us for this opportunity to share your caregiving story and journey with your Idaho Representative or Senator. Event Details: Wednesday, February 26th at 11:30 AM. 1st Floor of the…
Guardian of a child with Emotional Disturbance?
If you are the legal guardian of a youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), you might qualify for the Idaho Respite Care Voucher Program. This program helps reimburse the cost of a respite care provider and is ran through the…
Some caregiver tools for hard times.
There are times as a caregiver our hearts smile, but then there are times we can feel sad, isolated, and depressed. Being a caregiver tends to inspire ingenuity for finding ways to get through the hard times. In the article,…