Podcasts can be a great way to unwind, make housework more enjoyable, or make a daily commute less stressful. The San Diego Tribune has compiled a list of caregiving specific podcasts that share stories from different perspectives. Some are specific…

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Are You a Caregiver in a Military Family?
The U.S Department of Veteran Affairs has shared a program by the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Family Caregivers. This program is called Operation Family Caregiver. This eight week program was designed years ago, but has been updated to include more…
Caregiving and Winter Conditions
In recent weeks, cold weather has swept through Idaho, and as our winter continues, so does the cold temperatures and precipitation. For caregivers of any age, this can make the task of caring for your loved one a bit more…
Today… You Showed Up
As a family caregiver, worry of not being able to get it all done, to ensure everything and everyone is tended to, can be a daily thought and struggle. The overwhelming sense of coming up short or falling behind can…
Have You Gotten Your Flu Shot?
Flu season is coming up and will likely overlap with the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC recommends getting a flu shot every year and provides answers to commonly asked questions about the virus. To prepare, an article from Care.com created a…
Book Ideas for Caregivers
Being a caregiver can sometimes be isolating. It is important to know that although each caregiver is in a unique situation, there are others that have gone through similar experiences. Aging Care provides a list of books related to caregiving…
Assistive Technology: Tools and Tech to Use While at Home
As many people with disabilities and seniors are spending more time at home to reduce risk of serious or fatal complications from COVID-19, there is an increased need for assistive technologies (AT) to help with every day tasks. AbleData has…
Caring for LGBTQ Individuals
If you are a caregiver or provider who is caring for an LGBTQ individual, then these resources are for you. Providers: Remember that even if a client hasn’t openly identified themselves as LGBTQ, you should still work with the premise…
Are You a Grandparent Raising a Child?
According to the U.S. Census, 10,161 of Idaho children live in homes with grandparent householders where grandparents are responsible for them. Of these children, 4,592 have no parents present in the home. The GrandFacts state fact sheet is an excellent…
Choosing a Care Facility – 5 Helpful Tips
There may come a time in your caregiving journey where your loved one may need a facility that provides rehabilitative, restorative, or ongoing skilled nursing care. Consider these helpful tips from AARP. 1. Narrow your search, visit in person 2. …