Four individual's hands unified.

For Caregivers

One in every four Idahoans is a family caregiver. 

They are your brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents, children, cousins, friends, and neighbors. They are you.


Am I a caregiver?

      • Do you fill your mother’s pillboxes and keep track of her medications?
      • Does your schedule revolve around your son’s doctor appointments?
      • Do you prepare meals for your dad?
      • Are you always on the hunt for accessible playgrounds for your daughter?
      • Do you handle your parent’s finances?
      • Do you take the garbage out for your elderly neighbor?
      • Do you make medical appointments for your husband?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, YOU are a caregiver!

Who are caregivers? Young adult children who care for siblings due to parent's mental illness, Grandparents who have guardianship of their grandchildren, Adults who manage their parent’s medical needs while raising their own children, Neighbors who regularly assists the elderly couple next door, The parent who supports their child with a mental health condition, The spouse who supports their partner with chronic health conditions. This list is not all inclusive but merely highlights the variety involved in caregiving.

Am I Caregiving, or Parenting?

The article Caregiving and Parenting Are Not the Same, by Erin Croyle, does a great job in clarifying the two terms.

Can I get paid to care for my loved one?

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Certified Family Home Program may be a viable option for those meeting the established criteria.  The program requires certification and ongoing training and the person receiving care must qualify for Medicaid.  To determine if this is a good fit for your family, contact the Department of Health and Welfare at 877-456-1233 or visit the Certified Family Home Program’s website

Another method is to become employed by an in-home healthcare provider/home health agency near where your loved one lives and become assigned to your loved one as a client of the agency.  Your loved one can pay the agency fees and you would be paid as an employee. This also may be an option if your loved one qualifies for financial assistance through the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW).  To determine if your loved one qualifies, apply at your local IDHW office. If your loved one qualifies for assistance they may be eligible for an array of services. Visit their website here.

Do you need support as a caregiver?

Caregiver Resources

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