Are you interested in being an advocate at the Idaho State Capitol for Alzheimer’s and other dementias? The Idaho Alzheimer’s Association can help you out with training and even the logding if you are traveling from outside the Treasure Valley.…

Category: Uncategorized (page 12)
Some caregiver tools for hard times.
There are times as a caregiver our hearts smile, but then there are times we can feel sad, isolated, and depressed. Being a caregiver tends to inspire ingenuity for finding ways to get through the hard times. In the article,…
The Conversation Project
What would make today a good day for you? It is a question that one medical doctor started asking his patients to get to know them. Click here to read the whole story, A Soul Doctor and a Jazz Singer.…
Senior Corps looking for volunteers
Senior Corps is looking for volunteers who are 55 and older and like working with children. There is a small stipend, assistance with gas mileage, and the satisfaction that you’re making a difference in the life of a child. If…
Social Security Administration -Open Comments
The Social Security Administration is accepting public comments between now and January 17, 2020. This is beneficial to anyone who is receiving disability benefits, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The Administration is proposing that individuals prove their disability every two…
Governor Little’s State of the State Address
On January 6, 2020, Governor Little will hold his State of the State address. During which he will outline his policy priorities and budget recommendations for the 2020 legislative session. You can watch a live streaming of the address by…
No one wants to see their loved one fall
No caregiver wants to see their loved one fall and still, of those 65 and older, one in four falls each year. Although we have the data for our older population, fall prevention and reduction is not just for those…
Difference between parent and a caregiver?
Many times the term caregiver is understood to be caring for someone over the age of 18 with medical, physical, or mental complications. Yet, many young parents are put into a caregiving role when their peers get to parent. Understanding…
Last day to provide public comment
Today is the last day to provide public comments against some proposed rule changes by the Department of Health and Human Services. This rule change would attempt to erase protections that prohibit government-funded programs from discriminating against the people they…
Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandkids
Input is needed to help the Administration for Community Living, the RAISE Family Caregivers Act, and the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act build a report to include best practices, resources, and other useful information. “This report will be delivered to…