Person reads a book.

Take Care of Yourself First

As the holiday season draws near, so does increased stress due to the list of extra chores, responsibilities, commitments, and obligations.  Though the work of being a caregiver doesn’t take a break, it is important to remember to ensure you are taking some time for yourself, and enjoying those special moments with family and friends, while also focusing on your own well-being. Here are some tips to ensure you are setting yourself up to live your healthiest life while still caring for your loved one. 

Take a break: Though this may be challenging, try and take a moment for yourself a few times throughout the day. Meditate, read a book, do some gardening, etc. Just detaching, even for a few moments, helps to reset your brain and reset your mood. 

Exercise: Exercise, even for ten minutes, can increase motivation, elevate mood, and lower the risk of depression. If you already exercise, keep it up! If not, taking a hike, a walk around the neighborhood, or swimming, are excellent places to start.  

Connect with others: Meet a friend or family member for coffee, explore caregiver support groups and programs, or just take up a photography course. These are all great examples of connecting with others outside of the home, and outside of the healthcare team. Human connection is vital for a healthy mind. 

Healthy living is as vital for you, as it is for the one you are caring for. Neglecting your own health won’t help either you or your loved ones. Make yourself and your health a priority and set yourself up for success! 

“Just living isn’t enough,” said the butterfly, “one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.” -Hans Christian Anderson

Blog by Kara Boyerkidder