Cartoon style drawing of people wearing masks.

Caregiving during COVID-19

Our country and the world are doing all they can to contain the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This can be an extremely stressful time for everyone, especially those caring for a loved with a compromised immune system.  Simple tasks like grocery shopping, picking up medication at the pharmacy, or even seeking routine medical care can seem overwhelming. The worry of being infected, and also taking it home to infect others is normal, however there are measures you can take to ensure you keep yourself and loved ones healthy.  

Have a Plan 

  • Make a list of your local and national organizations where you can access information and resources directly pertaining to COVID-19. 

  • Ask the doctor about obtaining several weeks worth of routine medications to limit your trips to the pharmacy. Also check to see if your pharmacy offers local delivery. 

  • Pick out a room in your home that could serve as a “sick room,” should someone in the home become ill. This will help you contain the ill family member, and help to decrease the spread to others. 

Take Preventative Steps

  • Wash your hands often especially before and after caring for your loved one. 

  • Avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose. Always cover your cough and sneeze into your elbow, and encourage other household members to do the same. 

  • Try and limit close contact with others from outside the home. Try to avoid hugs, handshakes, and being within close proximity. 

Watch for Symptoms 

  • If you are your loved one develops a cough, fever, sore throat, or any other symptoms listed by the CDC, seek medical attention.

       Warning Signs for COVID-19