ARCH (Access to Respite Care and Help) National Respite Network in partnership with the Elizabeth Dole Foundation created a 9 Steps to Respite Care guide for Military Caregivers. This guide, although specified for military caregivers, is another great resource for…

Category: Uncategorized (page 16)
Caregiving in Idaho: Respite Summit
This past July the Idaho Caregiver Alliance and the Idaho Commission on Aging visited North Idaho to host the Caregiving in Idaho: Lifespan Respite Summit. While we were in Coeur d’Alene, we were embraced by so many lovely individuals who…
Opportunities for States to Support Caregivers
Idaho is one of six states working with the Center for Health Care Strategies, identifying ways states can help recognize and support family caregivers. One piece of their work was pulling this fact sheet together, providing examples of how states…
Shared Caregiving Stories
Guest blog by Jeannette D Mayer, a caregiver and R4 Board Member Happiness was grabbing that handful of popcorn mixed with chocolate M&M’s® to find the Peanut M&M’s® hiding in there. For many years, these delightful milk chocolates wrapped around…
Shared Caregiving Stories
How Expo Markers Saved Our Military Family. Guest blog by Jeannette D. Mayer. Every day I look at my husband and am reminded how lucky I am that he was able to come to me… to us! DeWayne came home…
Shared Caregiving Stories
Why I go to the gym Guest Blog, Jeannette D. Mayer For as long as I can remember, my husband and daughter have given me a hard time about getting up at 5 a.m. to go to the gym. Over…
Uniquely Yours but Similar Enough
As a caregiver you’ve faced several challenges that are uniquely yours. Although these challenges (both good and bad) are unique there are similarities to somone else’s caregiver situation. Sharing your story and opening your heart are two very generous gifts…
Are you a military caregiver?
Every one of us will experience being a caregiver at some point in our lives. Likewise, some of us will have an opportunity to care for veteran and military service members. To improve your caregiving experience you should certainly have…
What Matters to You?
June 6, 2019 is ‘What matters to you?’ Day. The aim of creating a day around this question is to help encourage the shift of conversation between patient and health care provider from what is wrong with you, to what…
Financial strategies for caregivers
You understand what financial impacts are experienced while being a caregiver and rarely is there time to think about your financial future. This document, Financial Steps for Caregivers, can help you create strategies for your financial health. Although this booklet…