Woman whispers into daughter's ear.

How to Make the Hard Tasks Easier

When you first start caring for a loved one, you might have some expectations about what it will be like. Most people assume that it will be a smooth journey while working together effectively. Unfortunately, this is not usually the case. Centers Choice Homecare provides a guide on how to have open communication with those you care for and avoid their resistance to accepting care. The article, entitled “Centers Choice Home Care on Coping with Resistance in Caregiving,” is a reminder that their anger or other negative feelings are not about you personally. Remembering this can make these difficult conversations just a little bit easier, when you can take a step back and realize you are not deserving of their anger. It is difficult for some to understand the new shift in their life; they may not want to rely on anyone. Another suggestion from the article is to offer some kind of reward or incentive. This is mostly effective when caring for a child, but offering a treat of some sort to any age group will likely soften the blow of engaging in a hard task. Some examples included in the article were, visiting the library after a shower and getting ice cream after a doctors appointment. Centers Choice Homecare advises caregivers to observe the aspects of life that make the person you are caring for excited, then incorporating them into the harder days. Another strategy presented is to introduce a task they have resistance to and wait patiently before bringing it up again. This allows your loved one to calm down, think it through, and be less likely to refuse when it is brought up again. Using these tips and tools, you might be able to understand where their resistance is coming from and ultimately work out a system that works for everyone.