Hot temperatures.

How To Guide: Beating the Heat

Treasure Valley is currently under an excessive heat warning. Temperatures are in the high 90s and low 100s. These are dangerous temperatures. Additionally, this type of weather is not usually seen until later in the summer season. The CDC warns against many heat related medical conditions that may arise. According to the CDC, one of the most common conditions is heat stroke. Symptoms of heat stroke include fever, lightheadedness, high body temperature without sweating, fainting, nausea, and more. Another condition is heat exhaustion. When this occurs, it can be seen in profusely sweating and fatigue, among other symptoms. For both of these conditions, the CDC recommends a cold shower, AC, shady areas, and drinking cold non alcoholic beverages. However, heat stroke and heat exhaustion differ. Because of this, the CDC also created a Heat Stroke Vs Heat Exhaustion Infographic.  Other conditions may become prevalent, as well. For example, heat rash and heat cramps. Also, children and older populations are more likely to be impacted by these conditions. 


Tips for Staying Cool (information from

  1. Stay in AC if possible

  2. Do not engage in strenuous exercise

  3. Do not wear dark or heavy clothing

  4. Stay hydrated

  5. Do not leave children outside unattended

  6. Take colder showers

  7. Keep blinds in home closed


List of AC Shelters in Treasure Valley:

  1. Boise Rescue Mission Ministries (24/7, Monday-Sunday)

  2. Boise Downtown Library (1:00 pm- 4:00 pm)

  3. Cathedral of Rockies Church- Downtown (12:00 pm- 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday)

  4. Corpus Christi House (9:00 am- 4:00 pm, Monday-Saturday)

  5. Interfaith Sanctuary Housing Services (8:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday-Sunday)

  6. Big Box Outlet Store in Nampa (352 Caldwell Blvd, 10:00 am- 6:00pm)


Stay cool and hydrated this summer. Especially if your care recipient is of older age, as they are more susceptible to heat health issues.