Woman and older woman.

A How to Guide: Caregiver Apps

Need a little extra help as a caregiver? There are numerous apps available to assist with caregiving responsibilities. AARP has developed a list of helpful apps you can download to your phone, Apple watch, iPad, or any other device. These apps are free to download and easy to use. 


  1. Carezone:

Carezone makes balancing many prescriptions simple. By scanning a prescription pill bottle, Carzone identifies the medication and puts it on a comprehensive list. This list can be given to medical providers or respite caretakers. In addition, Carezone gives reminders on which medications need to be taken when. 

  1. Caring Village:

Caring Village can help you create a support system. The app provides opportunities to connect with others in a similar situation. It also is a platform to share resources and updates.

  1. Lotsa Helping Hands:

When a person in your family requires care, updating friends and family can become exhausting. This app is essentially a large group chat where friends and family can view information regarding care. Pictures and updates from doctor’s visits can be shared. It also provides a forum for when COVID-19 prevents in person visits.

  1. Medisafe:

Medisafe is a virtual planner for caregivers. It gives reminders for upcoming appointments. It also serves a reminder for when certain medications should be taken. Additionally, it searches the database to determine whether or not certain medications can be taken together. Medisafe can help caregivers stay on top of a very intense schedule when they are providing care.