Holding hands

Need Someone to Talk to?

Support groups can be a great way to connect with other individuals. While caregiving is a great joy, it can also take an emotional toll on the caregiver. It can help to simply talk with others that have an idea of what you are going through. By joining a support group, you can develop a network of individuals who understand. Additionally, you can share your personal journey with caregiving. A Place For Mom compiled a list of online support groups. Also, there is a locator for in person groups in your area.  If you are interested in finding a group, please see the resources below.

Online Support:

Dementia Facebook Group: This is a Facebook group for caregivers of dementia. Here, you can virtually chat with others. Simply log into Facebook and click join group.

Family Caregiver Alliance: The Family Caregiver Alliance provides different online support groups. This includes Spanish speaking groups, LGBTQ+ groups, and more.

Caring for the Caregiver: Another Facebook group, this is for all different types of caregivers.

AgingCare Caregiver Forum: AgingCare has created an online forum for caregivers to talk. Additionally, members can pose and answer questions. This is meant to provide support on different topics related to caregiving. 

Support Groups Near You:

Please refer to the Idaho Caregiver Alliance page to find local support groups. There is also a guide to starting your own support group.