As a caregiver, it is sometimes difficult to ask others for help. This is true even for your closest friends and usual support system. Ianacare is an app that can help. The creators realized the demand of caregiving. This is…

How To Prepare for End of Life
As caregivers, you work tirelessly to make your care recipient have the highest quality of life possible. However, it is not uncommon for a caregiver to outlive their care recipient. Unfortunately, the end of life process can be complex. Difficult…
Need Someone to Talk to?
Support groups can be a great way to connect with other individuals. While caregiving is a great joy, it can also take an emotional toll on the caregiver. It can help to simply talk with others that have an idea…
Talking About Caregiving with the President
A woman, named Susie, had a conversation with President Joe Biden about her role as a caregiver. Living in Texas, Susie started as a caregiver for a family member. She now works for a home care organization. She identifies caregiving…
Keeping a Caregiving Journal 101
Many people keep a journal as an outlet, but it can be especially helpful for caregivers. AARP has published an article detailing the positive impact a journal can have. Studies have shown that journaling can help prevent depression and stress.…
A List of Helpful Podcasts for Caregivers
Podcasts can be a great way to unwind, make housework more enjoyable, or make a daily commute less stressful. The San Diego Tribune has compiled a list of caregiving specific podcasts that share stories from different perspectives. Some are specific…
Book Ideas for Caregivers
Being a caregiver can sometimes be isolating. It is important to know that although each caregiver is in a unique situation, there are others that have gone through similar experiences. Aging Care provides a list of books related to caregiving…
Shared Caregiving Stories
Guest blog by Jeannette D Mayer, a caregiver and R4 Board Member Happiness was grabbing that handful of popcorn mixed with chocolate M&M’s® to find the Peanut M&M’s® hiding in there. For many years, these delightful milk chocolates wrapped around…
Shared Caregiving Stories
How Expo Markers Saved Our Military Family. Guest blog by Jeannette D. Mayer. Every day I look at my husband and am reminded how lucky I am that he was able to come to me… to us! DeWayne came home…
Shared Caregiving Stories
Why I go to the gym Guest Blog, Jeannette D. Mayer For as long as I can remember, my husband and daughter have given me a hard time about getting up at 5 a.m. to go to the gym. Over…