Starting a new social group can sound daunting but the rewards are priceless. Caring Collaborative Networks are popping up across the country. Social groups or caring collaboratives are a great way to learn and share with fellow caregivers; consequently providing…
Blog (page 21)
Are you a military caregiver?
Every one of us will experience being a caregiver at some point in our lives. Likewise, some of us will have an opportunity to care for veteran and military service members. To improve your caregiving experience you should certainly have…
This Father’s Day, have the conversation
Happy Father’s Day. Protecting your child(ren) is a responsibility that never goes away which is why having a conversation on advance care planning is so important. These conversations help your loved ones become aware of and understand your wishes. It…
Care Culture in the Workplace
Does your business or the company you work for have a care culture you can be proud of? Do you feel supported by your employer when it comes to having to tend to your caregiving responsibilities? Here is a great…
What Matters to You?
June 6, 2019 is ‘What matters to you?’ Day. The aim of creating a day around this question is to help encourage the shift of conversation between patient and health care provider from what is wrong with you, to what…
Financial strategies for caregivers
You understand what financial impacts are experienced while being a caregiver and rarely is there time to think about your financial future. This document, Financial Steps for Caregivers, can help you create strategies for your financial health. Although this booklet…
Are employers seeing the light?
With the millennial generation taking on the role of caregiver, employers are faced with recognizing that paid family leave needs to extend beyond leave for new parents. This article, Paid Leave for Caregivers Being Used to Attract Millennials, brings up…
Sharing your caregiving story
If you want to share your experiences with caregiving and work, Joe Fuller would love to hear from you. Stories submitted will be shared anonymously on social media or will be used in the future as Professor Fuller and his…
Public Notice Comment Period
If you would like to submit your comments for the Idaho State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) amendments, the comment period ends on May 31st. To access all documents and read more please follow this link PUBLIC NOTICE.
Checking in with yourself
It’s hard enough to focus on your health when you have to just take care of yourself, but how can you possibly make time to do so when taking care of your caree (a person you provide care for)? Some…