The Idaho Caregiver Alliance understands that many of you are trying hard to practice social distancing during COVID-19. We also know that some of you cannot. The best we can do with a virus our loved ones nor we have…
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The Boise Screening of To Err is Human
Tomorrow is the day, the Boise screening of To Err is Human is finally here. This event, being hosted by the Center for the Study of Aging and Idaho Caregiver Alliance, will help bring awareness around medical mistakes and how…
Need financing for assistive technology?
The Idaho Assistive Technology Project sent out information about the Idaho Assistive Technology Alternative Finance Program, which can help by providing low-interest loans. These loans can help individuals with disabilities and their families purchase assistive technology, increasing independence, and improve…
ICA Legislative Lunch Updates
ICA Legislative Lunch is this Wednesday at 11:30 AM. Please join us for this opportunity to share your caregiving story and journey with your Idaho Representative or Senator. Event Details: Wednesday, February 26th at 11:30 AM. 1st Floor of the…
A true gift for Valentine’s Day
A true gift for Valentine’s Day, is a gift to the 9th Annual Idaho Caregiver Conference. The conference will be held in Boise this Saturday. If you’re still stuck on what to get that wonderful caregiver in your life, this…
Guardian of a child with Emotional Disturbance?
If you are the legal guardian of a youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), you might qualify for the Idaho Respite Care Voucher Program. This program helps reimburse the cost of a respite care provider and is ran through the…
Don’t forget to submit your input
Don’t forget to submit your input by February 7, 2020, for the RAISE Family Caregivers Act and/or the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Both of these councils are requesting your input to help them develop goals, objectives, best practices, and recommendations for…
Idaho Medicaid Plus Information
Do you live in a county that only offers one Health Plan (at this time, Blue Cross)? If so, you will want to become aware of a small amendment that will provide authority to the Idaho Department of Health and…
Interested in Messaging and Advocacy Training?
A helpful training is being offered on February 1st. This training focuses on advocacy and messaging. Specifically, to focus on ensuring all supporters of early education are equipped to talk about the importance of high-quality early learning in Idaho. The…
ICA to host To Err is Human
The Idaho Caregiver Alliance, in partnership with the Center for the Study of Aging, invites you to join us for a premiere showing of To Err Is Human in Boise. The event aligns with Patient Safety Awareness Week and will…